Periódicos, Congressos e Workshops da Área de Computação

Roberto da Silva Bigonha
Professor Titular
Departamento de Ciência da Computação
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Julho de 2000


  1. Introdução
  2. Convenções
  3. Critérios para Caracterização dos Veículos
  4. Veículos Caracterizados
  5. Veículos a Identificar
  6. Colaboradores


última] [próxima] [sumário]

Os processos de avaliação da Capes são baseados no julgamento pelos pares, realizado por meio de um corpo de consultores ad hoc, indicados pelo representante de cada área do conhecimento. Sabe-se que a qualidade de qualquer julgamento depende predominantemente da competência de quem o realiza. Todo o processo apóia-se no conhecimento técnico-científico dos consultores, que geralmente se orientam por parâmetros de qualidade próprios, sendo por isto insubstituíveis e imprescindíveis para garantir transparência e justiça.

Por outro lado, a grande diversidade de subáreas na Computação e o elevado volume e tipos de veículos de divulgação científica existentes podem dificultar o trabalho dos consultores, principalmente no julgamento de processos da modalidade fluxo contínuo e em diferentes subáreas. Em vista disto, parece apropriado melhor identificar os veículos de divulgação científica comumente utilizados por pesquisadores brasileiros da área de Ciência da Computação, de forma a facilitar o trabalho dos consultores.

Certamente é difícil estabelecer um conjunto de indicadores que permita avaliar indiretamente a qualidade de livros. Reconhece-se, contudo, como indicador positivo de qualidade sua publicação por editoras reconhecidas, que tenham ampla capacidade de distribuição e circulação, e que sejam adotados por bons cursos. Mas, sem dúvida, a formação de juízo de valor para cada caso é tarefa indeleg´vel do consultor.

Por outro lado, a classificação, quanto à qualidade, dos veículos de divulgação de resultados de pesquisa, embora também complexa, possui parâmetros mais objetivos, mas a definição de níveis de qualidade pode ser muito polêmica. Assim, propõe-se, antes de buscar a definição destes níveis de qualidade, executar um trabalho de identificação dos veículos comumente utilizados, e sua categorização em classes conforme alguns fatores característicos, deixando em aberto sua estratificação em níveis de qualidade, que continua sendo da responsabilidade de cada consultor.

Os parâmetros de identificação aqui propostos não são definitivos, mas apenas estabelecem um ponto de partida. Além disto, a classificação apresentada a seguir, além de incompleta, é dinâmica. Ao longo do tempo, ela será aumentada e alterada, em função das indicações que nos forem encaminhadas pelos especialistas de cada subárea da Computação e principalmente pelos consultores ad-hoc da CAPES.

A ordem de classificação apresentada não tem qualquer relação definida com possíveis níveis de qualidade. O que se pretende nesta classificação é conhecer melhor os veículos mais utilizados e facilitar sua identificação. Ao consultor é facultado definir níveis de qualidade próprios, agrupando, se assim o desejar, as categorias identificadas abaixo na forma que julgar mais apropriada, ou seja, cada periódico, congresso ou workshop continua tendo a qualidade que lhe for atribuída por cada consultor, de acordo com o julgamento e avaliação baseados em critérios próprios. Ressalte-se ainda que eventos ou periódicos dentro de um mesmo grupo podem ter níveis de qualidade diferenciados. E nada impede que veículos específicos de diferentes grupos sejam considerados de mesmo nível. Garante-se, contudo, que, dentro de um mesmo grupo, todos possuem um conjunto de características comuns.


anterior] [próxima] [sumário]
Para categorização dos veículos de divulgação científica, foram adotadas as seguintes convenções:


anterior] [próxima] [sumário]
A classificação dos veículos apresentada abaixo está baseada nos seguintes indicadores:


anterior] [próxima] [sumário]

1. GRUPO A [
próximo] [último] [subgrupos] [próxima seção]

Congressos, revistas e workshops de tradição, de circulação internacional e com comitê de programa ou corpo editorial de composicao multinacional, formado por pesquisadores de competência reconhecida internacionalmente.

1.1 Subgrupo A1 [próximo] [último] [próxima seção] [grupo A]

Congressos, revistas e workshops do Grupo A e com as seguintes características adicionais: Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:
  1. AAAI: National Conference on AI (A1)
  2. ACM/IEEE: International Conference on Software Engineering (A1)
  3. ACM: Communications of the ACM (A1)
  4. ACM: Computing Surveys (A1)
  5. ACM: Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (A1)
  6. ACM: Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (A1)
  7. ACM: Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementations (A1)
  8. ACM: International Conference on Arch. Support for Prog. Languages and Oper. Systems (A1)
  9. ACM: International Conference on Functional Programming (A1)
  10. ACM: International Conference on Management of Data (A1)
  11. ACM: International Conference on Performance Evaluation (A1)
  12. ACM: International Conference on Principles of Database Systems (A1)
  13. ACM: International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (A1)
  14. ACM: Journal of the ACM (A1)
  15. ACM: Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (A1)
  16. ACM: Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (A1)
  17. ACM: Transactions on Database Systems (A1)
  18. ACM: Transactions on Design Automation of Eletronic Systems (A1)
  19. ACM: Transactions on Graphics (A1)
  20. ACM: Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (A1)
  21. ACM: Transactions on Computer Systems (A1)
  22. ACM: Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (A1)
  23. ACM: Transactions on Database Systems (A1)
  24. ACM: Transactions on Information Systems (A1)
  25. ACM: Transactions on Mathematical Software (A1)
  26. ACM: Transactions on Modelling and Computer Simulation (A1)
  27. ACM: Transactions on Networking (A1)
  28. ACM: Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (A1)
  29. ACM: Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (A1)
  30. ACTA Informatica, Springer Verlag (A1)
  31. Algorithmica, NY (A1)
  32. BCS: The Computer Journal (A1)
  33. BCS/FACS: International Conference of Z Users (A1)
  34. Communications in Statistics: Stochastic Models (A1)
  35. Computational Linguistics (A1)
  36. Discrete and Computational Geometry (A1)
  37. ERI: International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (A1)
  38. ERI: International Conference on the Entity-Relationship Approach (A1)
  39. European Journal of Operations Research, Amsterdam, Holanda (A1)
  40. IEEE: Infocom (A1)
  41. IEEE: International Conference on Data Engineering (A1)
  42. IEEE: International Conference on Software Reuse (A1)
  43. IEEE: International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (A1)
  44. IEEE: International Conference on Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems (A1)
  45. IEEE: Journal on Selected Areas on Communications (A1)
  46. IEEE: Software (A1)
  47. IEEE: Transactions on Communications (A1)
  48. IEEE: Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circ. System (A1)
  49. IEEE: Transactions on Computers (A1)
  50. IEEE: Transactions on Data A. Engineering (A1)
  51. IEEE: Transactions on Database Systems (A1)
  52. IEEE: Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (A1)
  53. IEEE: Transactions on Networking (A1)
  54. IEEE: Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System (A1)
  55. IEEE: Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (A1)
  56. IEEE: Transactions on Software Engineering (A1)
  57. IEEE: Transactions on Systems Man & Cybernetic (A1)
  58. IEEE: Transactions on VLSI Systems (A1)
  59. International Conference on Very Large Databases (A1)
  60. International Symposium of Formal Methods (A1)
  61. International Telletrafic Congress (A1)
  62. Journal of Applied Probability (A1)
  63. Journal of Combinatorial Geometry (A1)
  64. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (A1)
  65. Journal on Performance Evaluation, North Holland (A1)
  66. Mathematical Programming (series A and B) (A1)
  67. Operations Research (A1)
  68. Pergamon: Information Systems (A1)
  69. SIAM: Journal on Computing (A1)
  70. SIAM: Review (A1)
  71. SCS: Simulation (A1)
  72. SCS: Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation International (A1)
  73. Software Practice & Experience, Wiley (A1)
  74. The VLBD Journal (A1)

1.2 Subgrupo A2 [próximo] [anterior] [próxima seção] [grupo A]

Congressos, revistas e workshops do Grupo A e com as seguintes características adicionais: Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:
  1. Ars Combinatoria (A2)
  2. Artificial Intelligence (A2)
  3. Discrete Mathematics (A2)
  4. Discrete and Applied Mathematics, Amsterdam, Holanda (A2)
  5. European Conference on CSCW (A2)
  6. Graphs and Combinatorics (A2)
  7. IEEE: Globecom (A2)
  8. IEEE: International Confererence on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems (A2)
  9. International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (A2)
  10. International Conference on Computer Communication (A2)
  11. International Conference on Database Theory (A2)
  12. International Conference on Database and Expert System Applications (A2)
  13. International Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (A2)
  14. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Mangement (A2)
  15. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (A2)
  16. Journal of Algorithms (A2)
  17. Journal of Complexity (A2)
  18. Journal of Graph Theory (A2)
  19. Networks - An International Journal (A2)
  20. RAIRO Recherche Operationelle (A2)
  21. Random Structures & Algorithms (A2)

1.3 Subgrupo A3 [próximo] [anterior] [próxima seção] [grupo A]

Congressos, revistas e workshops do Grupo A com as seguintes características adicionais:

Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:

  1. IEEE: International Conference on Image Processing (A3)
  2. International Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Applications (A3)
  3. IEEE: ITS (A3)
  4. International Symposium of the Math. Programming Society (A3)

1.4 Subgrupo A4: [próximo] [anterior] [próxima seção] [grupo A]

Congressos, revistas e workshops do Grupo A com as seguintes características adicionais:

Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:

  1. Information Processing Letters (A4)
  2. Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (A4)
  3. ACM: Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (A4)
  4. Annals of Operations Research (A4)
  5. ORSA/TIMS (Operations Research) (A4)

1.5 Subgrupo A5: [primeiro] [anterior] [próxima seção] [grupo A]

Congressos, revistas e workshops do Grupo A com as seguintes características adicionais: Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:
  1. SBC: Simpósio Brasileiro de Inteligência Artificial (A5)

2. GRUPO B: [próximo] [anterior] [subgrupos] [próxima seção]

Congressos, revistas e workshops de tradição, de alcance e circulação limitada a poucos países e com comitê de programa ou corpo editorial multinacional.

2.1 Subgrupo B1 [próximo][último] [próxima seção] [grupo B]

Congressos, revistas e workshops do Grupo B com as seguintes características adicionais:

Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:

2.2 Subgrupo B2 [próximo] [anterior] [próxima seção] [grupo B]

Congressos, revistas e workshops do Grupo B com as seguintes características: Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:
  1. Conferencia Latino Americana de Informatica (B2)

2.3 Subgrupo B3 [próximo][anterior] [próxima seção] [grupo B]

Congressos, revistas e workshops do Grupo B com as seguintes características adicionais:

Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:

2.4 Subgrupo B4 [próximo][anterior] [próxima seção] [grupo B]

Congressos, revistas e workshops do Grupo B com as seguintes características:

Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:

  1. International Conference of the Chilean Society in Information Science (B4)

3. GRUPO C [próximo] [anterior] [subgrupos] [próxima seção]

Congressos, revistas e workshops de tradição, de circulação limitada a poucos países e com comitê de programa ou corpo editorial sem caracterização internacional.

3.1 Subgrupo C1: [próximo][último] [próxima seção] [grupo C]

Congressos, revistas e workshops do Grupo C com as seguintes características adicionais:

Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:

  1. SBC: Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware (C1)
  2. SBC: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (C1)
  3. SBC: Simpósio Brasileiro de Bancos de Dados (C1)
  4. SBC: Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores (C1)
  5. SBC: Jornada de Atualização de Informática (C1)

3.2 Subgrupo C2 [próximo][anterior] [próxima seção] [grupo C]

Congressos, revistas e workshops do Grupo C com as seguintes características adicionais:

Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:

  1. SBC: Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens (C2)
  2. SBC: Simpósio Brasileiro de Arquitetura de Computadores e Proc. de Alto Desempenho (C2)
  3. SBC: Simpósio Brasileiro de Tolerância a Falhas (C2)
  4. SBC: Simpósio Brasileiro de Concepção de Circuitos Integrados (C2)
  5. SBC: Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (C2)
  6. SBC: Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (C2)
  7. SBC: Simpósio Brasileiro de Linguagens de Programação (C2)
  8. Congresso Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (C2)

3.3 Subgrupo C3 [próximo][anterior] [próxima seção] [grupo C]

Congressos e workshops do Grupo C com as seguintes características adicionais:

Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:

3.4 Subgrupo C4 [próximo][anterior] [próxima seção] [grupo C]

Congressos e workshops do Grupo C com as seguintes características:

Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:

  1. Congreso Latino Americano de Investigacion Operativa (C4)
  2. SBMAC: Congresso National da SBMAC (C4)
  3. Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional (C4)

3.5 Subgrupo C5 [próximo][anterior] [próxima seção] [grupo C]

Congressos e workshops do Grupo C com as seguintes características adicionais:

Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:

4. Grupo D [próximo] [anterior] [subgrupos] [próxima seção]

Congressos, revistas e workshops de tradição, de circulação internacional, mas sem comitê de programa ou corpo editorial formalmente constituído. Aceitação com base no julgamento do editor.

4.1 Subgrupo D1 [próximo] [último] [próxima seção] [grupo D]

Congressos, revistas e workshops do Grupo D com as seguintes características adicionais:

Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:

  1. ACM: SIG3C Newsletter (D1)
  2. ACM: SIGADA Newsletter (D1)
  3. ACM: SIGAPL Newsletter (D1)
  4. ACM: SIGAPP Newsletter (D1)
  5. ACM: SIGARCH Newsletter (D1)
  6. ACM: SIGART Newsletter (D1)
  7. ACM: SIGAS Newsletter (D1)
  8. ACM: SIGAT Newsletter (D1)
  9. ACM: SIGBIO Newsletter (D1)
  10. ACM: SIGCAPH Newsletter (D1)
  11. ACM: SIGCHI Newsletter (D1)
  12. ACM: SIGCHI Bulletin (D1)
  13. ACM: SIGCOMM Newsletter (D1)
  14. ACM: SIGCPR Newsletter (D1)
  15. ACM: SIGCSE Newsletter (D1)
  16. ACM: SIGCSE Bulletin (D1)
  17. ACM: SIGCUE Newsletter (D1)
  18. ACM: SIGDA Newsletter (D1)
  19. ACM: SIGDOC Newsletter (D1)
  20. ACM: SIGGRAPH Newsletter (D1)
  21. ACM: SIGGRAPH Newsletter (D1)
  22. ACM: SIGGRAPH LITE Newsletter (D1)
  23. ACM: SIGGRAPH: Visual Proceedings (D1)
  24. ACM: SIGICE Bulletin (D1)
  25. ACM: SIGIR Newsletter (D1)
  26. ACM: SIGLINK Newsletter (D1)
  27. ACM: SIGMETRICS Newsletter (D1)
  28. ACM: SIGMETRICS and Performance Newsletter (D1)
  29. ACM: SIGMICRO Newsletter (D1)
  30. ACM: SIGMIS Newsletter (D1)
  31. ACM: SIGMM Newsletter (D1)
  32. ACM: SIGMOD Record (D1)
  33. ACM: SIGNUM Newsletter (D1)
  34. ACM: SIGOIS Bulletin (D1)
  35. ACM: SIGOPS Newsletter (D1)
  36. ACM: SIGPLAN Notices (D1)
  37. ACM: SIGSAC Review (D1)
  38. ACM: SIGSAM Bulletin (D1)
  39. ACM: SIGSIM Newsletter (D1)
  40. ACM: SIGSOFT Newsletter (D1)
  41. ACM: SIGUCCS Newsletter (D1)

4.2 Subgrupo D2 [próximo] [anterior] [próxima seção] [grupo D]

Congressos, revistas e workshops do Grupo D com as seguintes características adicionais:

Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:

5. GRUPO E [próximo] [anterior] [próxima seção]

Congressos, revistas e workshops não classificáveis nos itens acima porque trata-se de evento ou revista ainda sem tradição.

Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:

  1. ACM: Workshop on Intermediate Representations (E)
  2. ACM: Workshop on Languages, Compiler, & Tools for Real-Time Systems (E)
  3. Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (E)
  4. Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Superior en Computación (E)
  5. IEEE: Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (E)
  6. Journal of Heuristics (E)
  7. SBC: Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação e Música (E)
  8. SBC: Workshop sobre Educação em Informática (E)
  9. SBC: Workshop sobre Robótica Inteligente (E)
  10. Workshop Orientação a Objetos (E)

6. GRUPO F [primeiro] [anterior] [próxima seção]

Congressos, revistas e workshops não classificáveis em nenhum dos itens acima.

Os principais veículos deste subgrupo são:


anterior] [próxima] [sumário]



  1. ACM/IEEE: Design Automation Conference (?)
  2. ACM: Computer Personnel Research Conference (?)
  3. ACM: Conference on Human Factors in Computing (?)
  4. ACM: Conference on System Documentation (?)
  5. ACM: Conference on the Measurement and Modeling of Computer Science (?)
  6. ACM: European Design and Test Conference (?)
  7. ACM: Guide to Computing Literature (?)
  8. ACM: Hypertext (?)
  9. ACM: International Conference in Graphics and Interactive Techniques (?)
  10. ACM: International Conference on Assistive Technologies (?)
  11. ACM: International Conference on Autonomous Agents (?)
  12. ACM: International Conference on Computer Aided Design (?)
  13. ACM: International Conference on Digital Libraries (?)
  14. ACM: International Conference on Functional Programming and its Extensions (?)
  15. ACM: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (?)
  16. ACM: International Conference on Supercomputing (?)
  17. ACM: International Symposium on Computer Architecture (?)
  18. ACM: International Symposium on Microarchitecture (?)
  19. ACM: International Symposium on Symbolic Computation (?)
  20. ACM: International Workshop on Advances in Geographic Informations Systems (?)
  21. ACM: Symposium on Applied Computing (?)
  22. ACM: Symposium on Communications, Architecture and Protocols (?)
  23. ACM: Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems (?)
  24. ACM: Symposium on Parallel Algorithm and Architectures (?)
  25. ACM: Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (?)
  26. ACM: Symposium on Software Reusability (?)
  27. ACM: Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (?)
  28. ACM: Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (?)
  29. ACM: Symposium on the Principles of Database Systems (?)
  30. ACM: Symposium on the Theory of Computing (?)
  31. ACM: TRI-Ada - The Engineering and Management of Software (?)
  32. ACM: The International Conference on APL (?)
  33. ACM: The Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (?)
  34. ACM: Transactions on Networking (?)
  35. ACM: User Service Conference (?)
  36. ACM: Workshop in Computational Learning Theory (?)
  37. ACM: Workshop on Effective Abstraction in Multimedia (?)
  38. ACM: Workshop on ML and Its Applications (?)
  39. ALP: Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming (?)
  40. ASL: Journal of Philosophical Logic (?)
  41. Algebraic and Logic Programming (?)
  42. Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (?)
  43. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, North Holland (?)
  44. Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (?)
  45. Associating CMOS (?)
  46. AAAI - National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  47. AADEBUG - Automated and Algorithmic Debugging
  48. AC - Advanced Courses
  49. ACL - Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
  50. ACM Pacific
  51. ADB - Applications of Databases
  52. ADBIS - Advances in Databases and Information Systems
  53. ADBT - Advances in Data Base Theory
  54. ADC - Australasian Database Conference
  55. ADL - Advances in Digital Libraries
  56. Agents - International Conference on Autonomous Agents
  57. AII - Analogical and Inductive Inference
  58. AISC - Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation
  59. ALP - Algebraic and Logic Programming
  60. ALPUK - UK Conference on Logic Programming
  61. ALT - Algorithmic Learning Theory
  62. AMAST - Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology
  63. AMCP - Advanced Multimedia Content Processing
  64. APN - Application and Theory of Petri Nets
  65. ARTDB - Active and Real-Time Database Systems
  67. ASIAN - Asian Computing Science Conference
  68. ASP-DAC - Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference
  69. ASPLOS - Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
  70. AusWeb - Australian World Wide Web Conference - link
  71. AVI - Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces


  1. BCS: Formal Aspects of Computing (?)
  2. Brazilian Congress on Neural Networks (?)
  3. British Colloquium on Theoretical Computer Science (?)
  4. Bulletin of the IGPL (?)
  5. Bulletin of the Sec. Logic (?)
  6. BDA - Journées Bases de Données Avancées
  7. Berkeley Workshop on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks
  8. BIS - Business Information Systems
  9. BIWIT - Basque International Workshop on Information Technology
  10. BNCOD - British National Conference on Databases
  11. BTW - Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft (German Database Conference)


  1. CAD for Process Innovation in the Construction Industry (?)
  2. CADE-13 Workshop on Proof Search in Type-Theoretic Languages (?)
  3. CASCON (?)
  4. CASE (?)
  5. CMG: International Conference (?)
  6. COMPULOG-NET Workshop and Area Meeting on Parallelism and Implementation Technology (?)
  7. CONTROL Engineering (?)
  8. CYTED-RITUS International Workshop on Groupware (?)
  9. Category Theory and Computer Science (?)
  10. Collected Algorithms (?)
  11. Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming (?)
  12. Colorado Conference on Interactive Methods (?)
  13. Computational Intelligence (?)
  14. Computer (?)
  15. Computer Abstracts (?)
  16. Computer Communications Reviews, Inglaterra (?)
  17. Computer Music Journal (?)
  18. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems (?)
  19. Computer News (Computer Abstracts) (?)
  20. Computer Reviews (?)
  21. Computer Stan. Interfaces, Inglaterra (?)
  22. Computers & Graphics (?)
  23. Conference of the Germany Classification Society (?)
  24. Conference on Aided Verification
  25. Conference on Communications Computers and Signal Processing (?)
  26. Conference on Computational Learning Theory (?)
  27. Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, London (?)
  28. Conference on Distance Learning and New Technologies in Education (?)
  29. Conference on Parallel Computing (?)
  30. Conferencia National de Ciencias de la Computacion de Bolivia (?)
  31. Congreso Internacional de Informatica Educativa (Argentina) (?)
  32. Congreso Internacional de Ingeneria Informatica (Argentina) (?)
  33. Congreso International de Tecnologia y Aplicationes Informaticas (Uruguai) (?)
  34. Congress of Computing in Civil Engineering (?)
  35. Congress of L'Assoc. Canadienne Française pour L'Avancement des Sciences (?)
  36. Congresso Brasileiro de Automática (?)
  37. Congresso Ibero Latino Americano sobre Métodos Computacionais e En. (?)
  38. Congresso Internacional de Telecomunicação e Telemática (?)
  39. Congresso International de LOGO, Porto Alegre (?)
  40. Congresso Latino Americano Controle Automático (?)
  41. Congresso ZUM, Limarick (?)
  42. Congresso de Informática e Telecomunicações do Mato Grosso (?)
  43. Cybernetics and Systems, Bristol (?)
  44. C++ Conference
  45. CAAP - Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming
  46. CADE - Conference on Automated Deduction
  47. CAiSE - Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
  48. CAV - Computer Aided Verification
  49. CC - Compiler Construction
  50. CCL - Constraints in Computational Logics
  51. CCS - Computer and Communications Security
  52. CDB - Constraint Databases and Applications
  53. CFCP - Canada-France Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
  54. CFIP - Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles
  55. CHARME'99 - Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods (link)
  56. CIA - Cooperative Information Agents
  57. CIKM - International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
  58. CISM Workshops
  59. CISMOD - Conference on Information Systems and Management of Data
  60. CL - International Conference on Computational Logic
  61. CoCo - Structure in Complexity Theory Conference
  62. COCOON - Computing and Combinatorics
  63. COLT - Computational Learing Theory
  64. COMAD - International Conference on Management of Data
  65. Computational Geometry (Symposium on ...)
  67. CONCUR - International Conference on Concurrency Theory
  68. CONPAR - Conference on Algorithms and Hardware for Parallel Processing
  69. COODBSE - Colloquium on Object Orientation in Databases and Software Engineering
  70. CoopIS - Conference on Cooperative Information Systems
  71. COSIT - Conference On Spatial Information Theory
  72. CP - Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
  73. CPM - Combinatorial Pattern Matching
  74. CRYPTO
  75. CSCW - Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
  76. CSL - Computer Science Logic
  77. CTRS - Conditional Term Rewriting Systems


  1. Deductive Databases and Logic Programming (?)
  2. Dover Publications (?)
  3. Dr. DOBB's Journal (?)
  4. EACSL: Computer Science Logic (CSL) (?)
  5. EATCS: International Conference on Automata, Language and Programming (?)
  6. EPMESC Conference (?)
  7. EURO-DAC (?)
  8. EURO-VHDL (?)
  9. EUROMICRO (?)
  10. Enhancing the Human-Computer Interface of Power System Application (?)
  11. Escola de Computação (?)
  12. Eurographics Workshop on Design, Specification, Verifications of IN... (?)
  13. Euromicro Journal (?)
  14. European Association for Logic, Language, Information and Computations (?)
  15. European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (?)
  16. European Design Automation Conference with EURO-VHDL (?)
  17. European Forth Conference (?)
  18. European Symposium on Algorithms (?)
  19. European Symposium on Programming (?)
  20. European Symposium on the Valid. and Verif. on Knowledge Based Systems (?)
  21. FORTRAN Forum (?)
  22. FoLLI: Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Klugwer Academic Publishers (?)
  23. Formal Methods in Software Practice (?)
  24. Foundational Methods in Computer Science Workshop (?)
  25. Foundations of Software Technology & Theoretical Computer Science (?)
  26. Glasgow Functional Programming Workshops (?)
  27. Graphical Models and Image Processing (?)
  28. High Performance Computer Conference (?)
  29. High-Level Programming Models and Supportive Environments (?)
  30. High-Performance Functional Computing Conference (?)
  31. DAC - Design Automation Conference
  32. DAGS - Electronic Publishing and the Information Superhighway - link
  33. Dagstuhl Seminars
  34. DAISD - Deductive Approach to Information Systems and Databases
  35. DAS - Data Analysis Symposium - link
  36. DASFAA - Database Systems for Advanced Applications
  37. DaWaK - Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery
  38. DBPL - Workshop on Database Programming Languages
  39. DBSEC - IFIP Workshop on Database Security
  40. DCC - Data Compression Conference
  41. DDB - Symposium on Distributed Data Bases
  42. DDSS - Distributed Data Sharing Systems
  43. Deductive Database Workshops
  44. DEXA - Database and Expert Systems Applications
  45. DKSME - Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering
  46. DL - Digital Libraries
  47. DLog - Description Logics
  48. DOOD - Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases
  49. DPDS - International Symposium on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems
  50. DS - IFIP Working Conference on Database Semantics
  51. DS - Discovery Science


  1. EACSL: Computer Science Logic (CSL) (?)
  2. EATCS: International Conference on Automata, Language and Programming (?)
  3. EPMESC Conference (?)
  4. EURO-DAC (?)
  5. EURO-VHDL (?)
  6. EUROMICRO (?)
  7. Enhancing the Human-Computer Interface of Power System Application (?)
  8. Escola de Computação (?)
  9. Eurographics Workshop on Design, Specification, Verifications of IN... (?)
  10. Euromicro Journal (?)
  11. European Association for Logic, Language, Information and Computations (?)
  12. European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (?)
  13. European Design Automation Conference with EURO-VHDL (?)
  14. European Forth Conference (?)
  15. European Symposium on Algorithms (?)
  16. European Symposium on Programming (?)
  17. European Symposium on the Valid. and Verif. on Knowledge Based Systems (?)
  18. ECAI - European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  19. ECDL - European Conference on Digital Libraries
  20. ECHT - European Conference on Hypertext
  21. ECML - European Conference on Machine Learning
  22. ECOOP - European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
  23. EDBT - Extending Database Technology
  24. EDS - Expert Database Systems
  25. EFIS/EFDBS - Engineering Federated Information (Database) Systems
  26. ELP - Extensions of Logic Programming
  27. EP - Electronic Publishing
  28. ER - International Conference on the Entity Relationship Approach
  29. ESA - European Symposium on Algorithms
  30. ESEC - European Software Engineering Conference
  31. ESOP - European Symposium on Programming
  32. Essen Symposium
  33. ETAPS - European joint conference on Theory And Practice of Software
  34. EUFIT - European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing - link
  35. EuroCOLT - European Conference on Computational Learning Theory
  36. EUROCRYPT - Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques
  37. Euro-Par - European Conference on Parallel Processing
  38. EWDW - East/West Database Workshops


  1. FORTRAN Forum (?)
  2. FoLLI: Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Klugwer Academic Publishers (?)
  3. Formal Methods in Software Practice (?)
  4. Foundational Methods in Computer Science Workshop (?)
  5. Foundations of Software Technology & Theoretical Computer Science (?)
  6. FAPR - Formal and Applied Practical Reasoning
  7. FASE - Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
  8. FCT - Fundamentals of Computation Theory
  9. FDBS - Workshop Föderierte Datenbanken
  10. FGCS - Fifth Generation Computer Systems
  11. FMCAD - Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design
  12. FMLDO - Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects
  13. FOCS - IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (HBP)
  14. FODO - Conference on Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms
  15. FoIKS - Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems
  16. FoSSaCS - Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structure
  17. FPCA - Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture
  18. FPLE - Functional Programming Languages in Education
  19. FQAS - Flexible Query-Answering Systems
  20. FroCos - Frontiers of Combining Systems
  21. FSE - Foundations of Software Engineering (SIGSOFT)
  22. FSTTCS - Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
  23. FTCS - Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing
  24. Future Databases


  1. Glasgow Functional Programming Workshops (?)
  2. Graphical Models and Image Processing (?)
  3. GD - Symposium on Graph Drawing
  4. GFPW - Glasgow Functional Programming Workshop
  5. Graph Grammars Workshops
  6. GI-Jahrestagung
  7. GIS - Workshop on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
  8. GvD - Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken


  1. High Performance Computer Conference (?)
  2. High-Level Programming Models and Supportive Environments (?)
  3. High-Performance Functional Computing Conference (?)
  4. HIM - Hypertext, Information Retrieval, Multimedia
  5. HOPL - History of Programming Languages
  6. HotOS - Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems
  7. HPCS - International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems
  8. HPTS - High Performance Transaction Systems
  9. Hybrid Systems
  10. Hypertext - ACM Conference on Hypertext
  11. Hypertext - UK Conference on Hypertext


  1. ICLP: Workshop on Deductive Databases (?)
  2. IEE/ECLA/IFIP: International Conference on Architecture and Design Methods for Balanc (?)
  3. IEEE/Peru Congreso International de Ingenieria Electronica (?)
  4. IEEE: Communications Magazine (?)
  5. IEEE: Computer Graphics and Applications (?)
  6. IEEE: Conference on System Research Man & Cybernetics (?)
  7. IEEE: Conference on Systems (?)
  8. IEEE: Control Systems Magazine (?)
  9. IEEE: Design & Test of Computers (?)
  10. IEEE: International Conference on Robotics and Automation (?)
  11. IEEE: International Conference on Software Maintenance (?)
  12. IEEE: International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (?)
  13. IEEE: International Parallel Processing Symposium (?)
  14. IEEE: International Symposium on Fault-Tolerance Computing (?)
  15. IEEE: International Telecommunications Symposium (?)
  16. IEEE: International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering (?)
  17. IEEE: International Workshop on Hardware/Software Codesign (?)
  18. IEEE: International Workshop on Rapid Systems Prototyping (?)
  19. IEEE: Logic in Computer Science (?)
  20. IEEE: Micro (?)
  21. IEEE: Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (?)
  22. IEEE: Network (?)
  23. IEEE: Symposium on Visual Languages (?)
  24. IFAC/IFIP: Workshop on Real-Time Programming (?)
  25. IFIP: 10 Working Group Very Large Scale Integration Systems (?)
  26. IFIP: 9.4 Information Technology for Development International Conference (?)
  27. IFIP: 9.5 Multimedia Concept of Virtuality and Culture International Conference (?)
  28. IFIP: Conference on Hardware Description Languages (?)
  29. IFIP: International Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification (?)
  30. Image and Vision Computing (?)
  31. Implementation of Functional Languages Workshop (?)
  32. Informatica Hoje (?)
  33. Information System Analysis and Synthesis (?)
  34. Information System, Oxford (?)
  35. Information and Computation (?)
  36. Inspec Electronics and Computing - CD ROM (?)
  37. Inspec Matters (?)
  38. Interactions (?)
  39. International Colloquium On Automata, Languages and Programming (?)
  40. International Computer Symposium - HSINCHU (?)
  41. International Conference Phot. Scienc. (?)
  42. International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming (?)
  43. International Conference on Algebrais Methology and Software (?)
  44. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetics (?)
  45. International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision (?)
  46. International Conference on Compiler Construction (?)
  47. International Conference on Computer-Human Interface (?)
  48. International Conference on Computing and Information (?)
  49. International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (?)
  50. International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (?)
  51. International Conference on Functional Programming (?)
  52. International Conference on Logic Programming (?)
  53. International Conference on Massively Parallel Processing Applications and Development (?)
  54. International Conference on Measuremente and Modeling of Comp. Systems (?)
  55. International Conference on Multi-Agents Systems (?)
  56. International Conference on Object-Role (?)
  57. International Conference on Ordinal and Symbolic Data Analysis (?)
  58. International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing (?)
  59. International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation Techniques (?)
  60. International Conference on Parallel and Vector Processing (?)
  61. International Conference on System Science (?)
  62. International Conference on the Theory and Application of Graphs (?)
  63. International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy (?)
  64. International Congress of the SCCC (?)
  65. International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (?)
  66. International Congress on Information Engineering (?)
  67. International Congress on Information Technology (?)
  68. International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (?)
  69. International Journal for N. MET. ENG. (?)
  70. International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications (?)
  71. International Journal of High Speed Computing (?)
  72. International Journal of Parallel Programming (?)
  73. International Journal of Robotics Research (?)
  74. International Logic Programming Symposium (?)
  75. International Static Analysis Symposium (?)
  76. International Summer School on Distributed Algorithms (?)
  77. International Summer School on Logic of Computation (?)
  78. International Symposium on Computer Architecture (?)
  79. International Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (?)
  80. International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory (?)
  81. International Symposium on Languages for Intensional Programming (?)
  82. International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation (?)
  83. International Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming (?)
  84. International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (?)
  85. International Symposium on Systems Research Informatics and Cybernetics (?)
  86. International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software (?)
  87. International Wokshop on Software Engineering and Artificial for HEP (?)
  88. International Workshop on Configurable Distributed (?)
  89. International Workshop on Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving and its Applications (?)
  90. International Workshop on Hypermedia Design (?)
  91. International Workshop on Memory Management (?)
  92. International Workshop on Power Timing Modeling Optmization and Simulation (?)
  93. International Workshop on the Design of Cooperative Systems (?)
  94. Intersection of Software Engineering and Programming Languages (?)
  95. Investigation Operativa (?)
  96. Irish Neural Network Conference (?)
  97. Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (?)
  98. IADT - Issues and Applications of Database Technology
  99. IBM - IBM Germany Scientific Symposium Series
  100. ICAIL - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law
  101. ICALP - Automata, Languages and Programming
  102. ICCD - International Conference on Computer Design
  103. ICCI - International Conference on Computing and Information
  104. ICCS - International Conference on Conceptual Structures
  105. ICDCS - International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
  106. ICDE - International Conference on Data Engineering
  107. ICDT - International Conference on Database Theory
  108. ICFP - International Conference on Functional Programming
  109. ICLP - International Conference on Logic Programming
  110. ICMCS - International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems
  111. ICML - International Conference on Machine Learning
  112. ICOD - International Conference on Databases
  113. ICPP - International Conference on Parallel Processing
  114. ICS - International Conference on Supercomputing
  115. ICSE - International Conference on Soaftware Engineering
  116. ICSR - International Conference on Software Reuse
  117. IDA - Intelligent Data Analysis
  118. IDC(W) - International Database Conference (Workshop)
  119. IDEAS - International Database Engineering and Application Symposium
  120. IDMS - Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services
  121. IDS - Interfaces to Database Systems
  122. IEA/AIE - Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
  123. IFIP World Computer Congress
  124. IFL - Implementation of Functional Languages
  125. IGIS - International Workshop on Advanced Research in Geographic Information Systems
  126. IJCAI - International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  127. Information Retrieval
  128. ILP - International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming
  129. ILPS - International Logic Programming Symposium
  130. Information Hiding
  131. INTEROP - Interoperating Geographic Information Systems
  132. IPCCC - International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference
  133. IPDPS - International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
  134. IPPS - International Parallel Processing Symposium
  135. IRREGULAR - Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems
  136. IS/KI - Workshop on Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence
  137. ISAAC - International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
  138. ISCA - International Symposium on Computer Architecture
  139. ISCIS - International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences
  140. ISLP - International Symposium on Logic Programming
  141. ISMIS - International Syposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems
  142. ISOOMS - International Symposium on Object-Oriented Methodologies and Systems
  143. ISSAC - International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
  144. ISSTA - International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
  145. ITC - International Test Conference
  146. IUI - Intelligent User Interfaces
  147. IWDM - International Workshop on Database Machines
  148. IWDOM - International Workshop on Distributed Object Management
  149. IWMM - International Workshop on Memory Management
  150. IW-MMDBBS - Int. Workshop on Multi-Media Data Base Management Systems


  1. JSSST International Symposium on Object Technologies for Advanced Software (?)
  2. Jornada Argentina de Informatica e Investigation Operativa (?)
  3. Journal of Automated Reasoning (?)
  4. Journal of Eletronic Testing (?)
  5. Journal of Functional, Inglaterra (?)
  6. Journal of Logic & Computation (?)
  7. Journal of Logic Programming (?)
  8. Journal of Mat. Anal. Applications (?)
  9. Journal of Robotic Systems (?)
  10. Journal of Software Maintenance (?)
  11. Journal of Solid-State Devices, São Paulo (?)
  12. Journal of Symbolic Computation (?)
  13. Journal of Symbolic Logic (?)
  14. Journal of VLSI Signal Processing (?)
  15. Journal of Visual Communications and Image Representation (?)
  16. Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics (?)
  17. Journees sur L'induction Symboliques/Numerique, Orsay (?)
  18. Java Grande
  19. JCDKB - International Conference on Data and Knowledge Bases
  20. JELIA - Logics in Artificial Intelligence
  21. JICSLP - Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming


  1. KDD - Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
  2. KDEX - Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop
  3. KGC - Kurt Gödel Colloquium
  4. KiVS - Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen
  5. KI - German Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  6. KnowRight
  7. KR - Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  8. KRDB - Knowledge Representation Meets Databases


  1. LISP Pointers (?)
  2. Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Real-Time Systems (?)
  3. Latin American Theoretical Informatics (?)
  4. Lisp Users and Vendors Conference (?)
  5. Location Science, Oxford (?)
  6. Logic in Computer Science (?)
  7. Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (?)
  8. LACL - Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics
  9. LATIN - Latin American Theoretical INformatics
  10. LCR - Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Systems for Scalable Computers
  11. LDRS - Language Design for Reliable Software
  12. LFP - ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming
  13. LICS - Logic in Computer Science
  14. LID - Logic in Databases
  15. LOMAPS - Logical and Operational Methods in the Analysis of Programs and Systems
  16. LOPSTR - Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation
  17. LP - Logic Programming - Japanese Conference
  18. LPAR - Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning
  19. LPE - Workshop on Logic Programming Environments
  20. LPNMR - Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning
  21. LPSS - Logic Programming Summer School


  1. MSJ MICROSOFT Systems Journal (?)
  2. Machine Learning (?)
  3. Machine Vision and Aplication, Berlin (?)
  4. Massey Functional Programming Workshop (?)
  5. Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics (?)
  6. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Cambridge University Press (?)
  7. Micro Sistemas (?)
  8. Micro-28 Symposium on Microarchitecture (?)
  9. Microprocessing and Microprocessors, Amsterdam (?)
  10. Mid-Atlantic States Student Workshop on Programming Languages and Systems (?)
  11. Multi-Paradigm Logic Programming (?)
  12. Multidimensional (?)
  13. Multimedia Systems (?)
  14. MAAMAW - Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World
  15. MD - IEEE Meta-Data Conference
  16. META - Workshop on Meta-Programming in Logic
  17. MFCS - Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
  18. MFDBS - Mathematical Fundamentals of Database Systems
  19. MHVR - Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Virtual Reality
  20. MICRO - International Symposium on Microarchitecture
  21. MIS - Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems
  22. MLDM - Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition
  23. MM - ACM Multimedia Conference
  24. MMB - Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen
  25. MMM - Multimedia Modeling - link
  26. MMNET - Multimedia and Networking
  27. MPC - Mathematics of Program Construction
  28. MSS - Symposium on Mass Storage Systems


  1. Neural Computing, London (?)
  2. No Nonsense Guide to Computing Careers (?)
  3. Nordic Transputer Conference, Linkoping (?)
  4. Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (?)
  5. NATO ASI - NATO Advanced Study Institute
  6. NACLP - North American Conference on Logic Programming
  7. NC - ICSC Symposium on Neural Computation
  8. NF2 - Nested Relations and Complex Objects
  9. NGITS - Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems
  10. NLDB - Applications of Natural Language to Data Bases
  11. NLULP - Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming Workshop
  12. NMELP - Non-Monotonic Extensions of Logic Programming
  13. NOSSDAV - Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video
  14. NSF - NSF Workshops


  1. OOPS Messenger (?)
  2. Objektbanken für Experten 1992
  3. OODBS - Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems
  4. OOER - Object-Oriented and Entity-Relationship Modelling
  5. OOIS - Object Oriented Information Systems
  6. OOPSLA - Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications
  7. OSDI - Operating Systems Design and Implementation


  1. PC Computing (?)
  2. PVM User's Group Meeting, Pittsburgh (?)
  3. Pacsoft Open House (?)
  4. Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (?)
  5. Parallel Distributed Computing (?)
  6. Pattern Recognition, North Holland (?)
  7. PADL - Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages
  8. PADS - Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation
  9. PAKDD - Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
  10. PAP - International Conference and Exhibition on Practical Applications of Prolog
  12. PARCO - Parallel Computing
  13. PARLE - Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe
  14. PASTE - Workshop on Program Analysis For Software Tools and Engineering
  15. PDIS - Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems
  16. PDK - Processing Declarative Knowledge
  17. PEPM - Partial Evaluation and Semantic-Based Program Manipulation
  18. PJW - Workshop on Persistence and Java
  19. PKC - Public Key Cryptography
  20. PKDD - Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
  21. PLDI - SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
  22. PLILP - Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming
  23. PODC - Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
  24. PODS - Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
  25. POPL - Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
  26. POS - Workshop on Persistent Object Systems
  27. PPCP - Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
  28. PPDP - Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
  29. PPoPP - Principles & Practice of Parallel Programming
  30. PRICAI - Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence



  1. Reflection (?)
  2. Requirements Engineering (?)
  3. Reunión National de Inteligencia Artificial (RNIA), Mexico (?)
  4. Revista de Informática Teórica (?)
  5. Robotica (?)
  6. Rochester Forth Conference (?)
  7. RCLP - Russian Conference on Logic Programming
  8. REX - Research and Education in Concurrent Systems (Workshops)
  9. RIDE - Research Issues in Data Engineering
  10. RIDS - Rules in Database Systems
  11. RTA - Rewriting Techniques and Applications
  12. RTDB - Workshop on Real-Time Databases


  1. SBC/SBMicro: Brazilian Symposium on Integrated Circuit Design (?)
  2. SBC: Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (?)
  3. SBC: Workshop on Cybernetic Vision (?)
  4. SBC: Workshop on Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems (?)
  6. SUIF Compiler Workshop (?)
  7. Science of Programming (?)
  8. Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (?)
  9. Simpósio Latino-Americano de Lógica Matemática (?)
  10. Simpósio Nacional de Estatística e Probabilidades (?)
  11. Simulation Symposium (?)
  12. Software Concepts & Tools (?)
  13. South American Workshop on String Processing (?)
  14. South Eastern Conference on Computing, Boca Raton (?)
  15. Springer Verlag: Lectures Notes in Computer Science (?)
  16. Springer Verlag: Lectures Notes on Artificial Intelligence (?)
  17. Springer Verlag: Theory and Practice of Software Development (?)
  18. Studia Logica, Klugwer Academic Publishers (?)
  19. Summer School on Advanced Functional Programming (?)
  20. Supercomputing (?)
  21. Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing (?)
  22. Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (?)
  23. Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science (?)
  24. Syntactic Control of Interference and Linear Logic (?)
  25. SAC - ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
  26. SAS - Static Analysis Symposium
  27. SBBD - Brazilian Symposium on Databases
  28. SBIA - Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
  29. SCM - System Configuration Management
  30. SDE - Software Development Environments
  31. SEBD - Sistemi Evolui per Basi di Dati
  32. Security Protocols Workshop
  33. Semantics in Databases
  34. SI3D - Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics
  35. SIGIR - Research and Development in Information Retrieval
  36. SIGMETRICS - Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems
  37. SIGMOD - International Conference on Management of Data
  38. SIGOPS European Workshop
  39. SIGSOFT FSE - Foundations of Software Engineering
  40. SLP - Symposium on Logic Programming
  41. SODA - Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
  42. SOSP - Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
  43. SPAA - ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
  44. SPDP - Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing
  45. SPIRE - String Processing and Information Retrieval
  46. SRDS - Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software
  47. SSD - Symposium on Large Spatial Databases
  48. SSDBM - Statistical and Scientific Database Management
  49. SSR - ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Software Reusability
  50. STACS - Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
  51. STEP - Software Technology and Engineering Practice
  52. STOC - ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
  53. SWAT - Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory
  54. SYBEN - Broadband European Networks and Multimedia Services


  1. Taller de Ingenieria de Sistemas (?)
  2. Telecomunications Systems (?)
  3. The Automated Software Engineering Journal (?)
  4. The Euromicro Journal (?)
  5. Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software (?)
  6. Theoretical Computer Science, North Holland (?)
  7. TABLEAUX - Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods
  8. TACAS - Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems
  9. TACS - Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software
  10. TAPD - Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction
  12. TDB - Workshop on Temporal Databases
  13. TIME Workshops
  14. TKE - Terminology and Knowledge Engineering
  15. TLCA - Typed Lambda Calculus and Applications
  16. TPHOLs - Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics
  17. TREC - Text REtrieval Conference - link
  18. TreDS - Trends in Distributed Systems


  1. UIDIS - User Interfaces to Data Intensive Systems
  2. USENIX Technical Conference


  1. Vision Research (?)
  2. VDB - Visual Database Systems
  3. VIS - Verläßliche Informationssysteme
  4. VISUAL - Visual Information and Information Systems
  5. VL - Visual Languages
  6. VLDB - Very Large Data Bases
  7. VRML Conference


  1. Washington Ada Symposium (?)
  2. Winter Meeting of the American Mathematical Society (?)
  3. Winter Meeting of the Association form Symbolic Logic (?)
  4. Wireless Networks (?)
  5. Workshop W4 on Logical Foundations of Object (ECOOP) (?)
  6. Workshop em Sistemas Hipermedia Distribuídos (?)
  7. Workshop in Effective Abstraction in Multimedia Layout (?)
  8. Workshop on Algebra of Communicating Processes (?)
  9. Workshop on Automated Analysis of Software (?)
  10. Workshop on Automatic Data Layout and Performance Prediction (?)
  11. Workshop on Compiler Support for System Software (?)
  12. Workshop on Concurrent, Distributed & Parallel Implementations of Logic Programming Systems (?)
  13. Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages (?)
  14. Workshop on Extensions of Logic Programming (?)
  15. Workshop on Formal Specification of User Interfaces (?)
  16. Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages (?)
  17. Workshop on Framework-Centered Software Development (?)
  18. Workshop on Functional Programming, Buenos Aires (?)
  19. Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming (?)
  20. Workshop on Generating Tools from Algebraic Specifications (?)
  21. Workshop on Information Technology (?)
  22. Workshop on Interaction Between Compilers and Computer Architectures (?)
  23. Workshop on Languages, Compilers and Tools for Real-Time Systems (?)
  24. Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Systems for Scalable Computers (?)
  25. Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (?)
  26. Workshop on Persistent Object Systems (?)
  27. Workshop on Software Engineering and Programming Languages (?)
  28. Workshop on Types for Program Analysis (?)
  29. Workshop on Version in Hypertext Systems (?)
  30. Workshop on the Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages, Paris (?)
  31. Workshop on the Implementation of Functional Languages (?)
  32. Workshop on the Revolutionare Computation, Australia (?)
  33. World Congress on Medical Informatics (?)
  34. World Congress on Neural Networks (?)
  35. WADS - Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures
  36. WAIM - Web-Age Information Management (link)
  37. WCLP - Workshop on Constraint Logic Programming
  38. WCRE - Working Conference on Reverse Engineering
  39. WDAG - Workshop on Distributed Algorithms
  40. WebDB - International Workshop on the Web and Databases
  41. WG - Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science
  42. WLP - Workshop Logische Programmierung
  43. WOSBIS - Workshop on Satellite-based Information Services - link
  44. WSA - Workshop on Static Analysis
  45. WWOS - Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems (now HotOS)
  46. WWW - World Wide Web Conference Series


anterior] [primeira] [sumário]

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