Semestres Anteriores

DCC603: Engenharia de Software

Hall da Fama: Lista dos alunos com as melhores notas.

2012-1 - 2012-2 - 2013-1 - 2013-2 - 2014-1 - 2014-2 - 2015-1 - 2015-2 - 2016-1 - 2016-2 - 2018-1 - 2018-2 - 2019-1 - 2019-2 - 2020-1 - 2020-2 - 2021-1 - 2021-2 - 2022-1 - 2022-2 - 2023-1 - 2023-2 - 2024-1 - 2024-2

  • Ementa. Processos de desenvolvimento de software. Métodos ágeis. Especificação de requisitos e projetos de sistemas de software. Implementação e testes de sistemas. Evolução de software. Qualidade de software.

Empirical Software Engineering

2014-1 - 2015-2 - 2018-1 - 2019-2 - 2021-1 - 2022-1 - 2024-2

  • Syllabus. Methods and strategies for software engineering research. Quantitative and qualitative methods. Experiment planning and execution. Analysis of results and reporting.

Software Reuse

2012-1 - 2013-2 - 2014-2 - 2016-1 - 2018-2 - 2020-1 - 2021-2 - 2023-1

  • Syllabus. Advanced techniques for software modularization and reuse. Reuse in Object-Oriented Programming. Frameworks and Components. Software product lines. Aspect oriented software development. Feature oriented programming.

Software Quality and Measurement

2012-2 - 2015-1 - 2016-2 - 2019-1 - 2020-2 - 2022-2 - 2024-1

  • Syllabus. Quality of product and process. Refactoring and bad smells. Software metrics and detection strategies. Design and architecture patterns. Design principles.

Software Engineering Seminar


  • Syllabus. Presentation of ongoing research on software engineering. Discussion of software engineering papers.

Paper Reading and Discussion


  • Syllabus. Reading and discussion of software engineering research papers. Presentation of ongoing research work.