Prof. José Marcos Nogueira is a
full professor of Computer Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais
(UFMG), Brazil. His areas of interest and research include computer networks,
computer networks management, wireless sensor networks, mobile and vehicular
networks, delay tolerant and opportunistic networks, as well as internet of things. He received a BS degree in Electrical
Engineering (1975) and a MS degree in Computer Science (1979) from UFMG, a PhD
degree in Electrical Engineering (1985) from UNICAMP, Brazil. He held a
Post-Doctoral position at the UBC, Canada(1988/89),
and had a sabbatical year at the universities Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)
and Evry Val D’Essonne,
France (2004/2005).
At UFMG he chaired the
Graduate Program in Computer Science (2008 to 2012), headed the Department of
Computer Science (1998 to 2000), and chaired the undergraduate course in
Computer Science (1986-1987). Currently he is dean member of the University
Council (2015 to 2018), representing the Instituto de
Ciências Exatas - ICEx.
He heads the computer networks
group at UFMG and currently heads a number of research and cooperation
projects, including: UNICOM: Modelos,
Algoritmos, Protocolos e Técnicas de Comunicação sem Fio para
a Nova Internet: de Cidades Inteligentes
a Internet das Coisas via Comunicação
Máquina-a-Máquina (CNPq Universal); UNIDaD – Device to Device Communication in
Mobile Networks with Optical Networks Convergence (FAPEMIG Universal); EU BR FUTEBOL – Federated Union of
Telecommunications Research Facilities for EU-Brazil Open Laboratory (UFMG side
coordination); CAFP-BA – Cooperation
UFMG-Universidad Nacional de San Luis (CAPES and SPC/Argentina).
Morelit - Remote monitoring of
electrical power lines with wireless sensor networks (CEMIG/ANEEL).
Former projects head by him
recently are: WINDS: Systems for Mobile Cloud Computing (FAPEMIG and CNRS/France);
Ubinet - Robustness, performance and
security in ubiquitous networks of things (CNPq
Universal); he has been technical coordinator of the SIS (System for the
Integration of Supervision) Project, where a complex and distributed system for
the management of telecommunications networks has been developed.
He has served in several roles,
including General Co-Chair of IEE/IFIP NOMS 2008, General Chair (1985) and TPC
Chair (1999 and 2004) of the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks - SBRC,
General Chair of IEEE LANOMS 2001, General Co-chair of SBSeg (2014). He has been TPC Member in many
conferences and events. He is associate editor of some journals and is member
of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) and the
Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).
Publications (As in CV Lattes):
Journals: 35; Proceedings: 181; Books: 2; Book chapters: 14.
Supervision: Ph.D. thesis 14; Master’s thesis: 44. Post-Doc: 3.