Dumas et al. (1995) n150w40 instance.
This page is a general directory of additional resources to published approaches to TSPTW.
Maintained by Rodrigo Ferreira da Silva and Sebastián Urrutia. Contact us for any suggestions, corrections or additional resources to include.
Year | Exact or Heuristic? | Reference |
2010 | heuristic | da Silva, R. F., Urrutia, S. A General VNS heuristic for the traveling salesman problem with time windows, Discrete Optimization 7 (4) (2010) 203-211. |
heuristic | López-Ibáñez, M., Blum, C., Beam-ACO for the travelling salesman problem with time windows, Computers & Operations Research, 37 (9) (2010) 1570-1583. | |
2007 | heuristic | Ohlmann, J.W., Thomas, B.W., A compressed-annealing heuristic for the traveling salesman problem with time windows, INFORMS Journal on Computing 19 (1) (2007) 80–90. |
2002 | exact | Focacci, F., Lodi, A., Milano, M., A hybrid exact algorithm for the TSPTW, INFORMS Journal on Computing 14 (4) (2002) 403-417. |
2000 | heuristic | Calvo, R. W., A new heuristic for the traveling salesman problem with time windows, Transportation Science 34 (1) (2000) 113-124. |
1998 | heuristic | Gendreau, M., Hertz, A. Laporte, G., Stan, M., A generalized insertion heuristic for the traveling salesman problem with time windows, Operations Research 46 (3) (1998) 330-335. |
heuristic | Pesant, G., Gendreau, M., Potvin, J.-Y., Rousseau, J.-M., An exact constraint logic programming algorithm for the travelling salesman problem with time windows, Transportation Science 32 (1998) 12-29. | |
1996 | heuristic | Carlton, W.B., Barnes, J.W., Solving the travelling salesman problem with time windows using tabu search, IEE Transactions 28 (1996) 617-629. |
1995 | exact | Dumas, Y., Desrosiers, J., Gelinas, E., Solomon, M., An optimal algorithm for the travelling salesman problem with time windows, Operations Research 43 (2) (1995) 367-371. |
1993 | exact | Langevin, A., Desrochers, M., Desrosiers, J., Gélinas, S., Soumis, F., A two-commodity flow formulation for the traveling salesman and the makespan problems with time windows, Networks 23 (7) (1993) 631-640. |
1992 | heuristic | Gendreau, M., Hertz, A., Laporte, G., New insertion and postoptimization procedures for the travelling salesman problem, Operations Research 40 (1992) 1086-1094. |
Link | Description |
http://www.or.deis.unibo.it/research_pages/ORcodes/CP.html | Source code and additional resources to paper "A hybrid exact algorithm for the TSPTW" of F. Focacci, A. Lodi, M. Milano. |
http://myweb.uiowa.edu/bthoa/TSPTWBenchmarkDataSets.htm | Benchmark data sets used by Jeffrey Ohlmann and Barrett Thomas in their paper "A Compressed Annealing Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows." |
http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~manuel/tsptw-instances | Collection of benchmark instances utilized in the paper “Beam-ACO for the travelling salesman problem with time windows” of Manuel López-Ibáñez and Christian Blum. |
This is a not exaustive list of benchmark instances for TSPTW.
More information about TSPTW benchmark instances can be obtained from Ohlmann and Thomas and López-Ibáñez and Blum.
Proposed by | Instances | Download |
da Silva, R. F., Urrutia, S. A General VNS heuristic for the traveling salesman problem with time windows, Discrete Optimization 7 (4) (2010) 203-211. |
n200w100, n200w200, n200w300, n200w400, n200w500 n250w100, n250w200, n250w300, n250w400, n250w500 n300w100, n300w200, n300w300, n300w400, n300w500 n350w100, n350w200, n350w300, n350w400, n350w500 n400w100, n400w200, n400w300, n400w400, n400w500 |
download |
Ohlmann, J.W., Thomas, B.W., A compressed-annealing heuristic for the traveling salesman problem with time windows, INFORMS Journal on Computing 19 (1) (2007) 80–90. |
n150w120, n150w140, n150w160 n200w120, n200w140 |
download |
Gendreau, M., Hertz, A. Laporte, G., Stan, M., A generalized insertion heuristic for the traveling salesman problem with time windows, Operations Research 46 (3) (1998) 330-335. |
n20w120, n20w140, n20w160, n20w180, n20w200 n40w120, n40w140, n40w160, n40w180, n40w200 n60w120, n60w140, n60w160, n60w180, n60w200 n80w100, n80w120, n80w140, n80w160, n80w180 n100w80, n100w100, n100w120, n100w140, n100w160, n100w180, n100w200 |
download |
Dumas, Y., Desrosiers, J., Gelinas, E., Solomon, M., An optimal algorithm for the travelling salesman problem with time windows, Operations Research 43 (2) (1995) 367-371. |
n20w20, n20w40, n20w60, n20w80, n20w100 n40w20, n40w40, n40w60, n40w80, n40w100 n60w20, n60w40, n60w60, n60w80, n60w100 n80w20, n80w40, n80w60, n80w80 n100w20, n100w40, n100w60 n150w20, n150w40, n150w60 n200w20, n200w40 |
download |
The tables below show the results achieved by exact and heuristic approaches to TSPTW. Additional to the total path distance, you can find the path image (PNG) of each component of instance sets.