IPv6 Multipath Detection Algorithm Dataset

This page describes the dataset used in the paper:

A Characterization of Load Balancing on the IPv6 Internet [PDF]
R. Almeida, O. Fonseca, E. Fazzion, D. Guedes, W. Meira Jr., and Í. Cunha
Passive and Active Measurement Conference
Sydney, Australia, March 2017

This dataset contains traceroute-style measurements from monitors on Ark and Linode
using an IPv6 implementation of the Multipath Detection Algorithm. We provide the text
version as well as the binary version with probes and responses for every measurement.

Date Infrastructure Data type Download
October 2016 Ark Text ark-october-2016.txt.zip
Binary ark-october-2016.bin.zip
Linode Text linode-october-2016.txt.zip
Binary linode-october-2016.bin.zip
January 2017 Linode Text linode-january-2017.txt.zip
Binary linode-january-2017.bin.zip

Binary format

The binary header has the following format:

Field Size
IPv6 destination address of the measurement 16 bytes
IPv6 source address of the measurement 16 bytes

Then there are 4 blocks of measurements. They starts with the measuremt id followed
by the number of probe-response pairs:

Field Size
Measurement id 1 byte
Number of probe-response pairs 2 bytes

The measurement id is 1 for flow label, 2 for traffic class, 3 for source port and
4 for destination address.

Then there are "number of probe-response pairs" in the following format:

Field Size
Probe size (in bytes) 2 bytes
Response size (in bytes) 2 bytes
Probe Probe size bytes
Response Response size bytes

The file do not include retries and probes that did not received response.


Rafael Almeida [rlca at DCC's domain]