Department of Computer Science at Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil
Member of the
Computer Vision and Robotics (VeRLab) research group
Supported by a CNPq research fellowship
Google Scholar, CV Lattes (in Portuguese)
[NEW] Paper accepted at IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024 - XFeat: Accelerated Features for Lightweight Image Matching - Visit the GitHub project for code and data!
[NEW] Paper accepted at Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 2024 - Leveraging Semantic Cues from Large Vision Models for Enhanced Local Feature Correspondence
[NEW] Paper accepted at IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023 - Enhancing Deformable Local Features by Jointly Learning to Detect and Describe Keypoints
[NEW] Paper accepted at IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intellignece (TPAMI) 2023 - Text-driven video acceleration: A weakly-supervised reinforment learning method [arXiv, DOI]
[NEW] Paper accepted at British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2022 - Semantic Segmentation under Adverse Conditions: A Weather and Nighttime-aware Synthetic Data-based [arXiv]
[NEW] Paper accepted at Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU) 2022 - Learning Geodesic-Aware Local Features from RGB-D Images [arXiv, DOI]
[NEW] Paper accepted at WACV 2022 - Creating and reenacting controllable 3D Humans with differentiable rendering
[NEW] Paper accepted at NeurIPS 2021 - Extracting Deformation-Aware Local Features by Learning to Deform - Visit the project page for code and data!
[NEW] Paper accepted to the International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) - A Shape-Aware Retargeting Approach to Transfer Human Motion and Appearance in Monocular Videos - Visit the project page for more information!
[NEW] Oustanding reviewer of CVPR 2021
[NEW] Paper accepted to ICRA 2021! - Anytime Fault-tolerant Adaptive Routing for Multi-Robot Teams
[NEW] Paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) - A Sparse Sampling-based framework for Semantic Fast-Forward of First-Person Videos - Visit the project page for more information!
Paper accepted to Computer & Graphics - Learning to dance: A graph convolutional adversarial network to generate realistic dance motions from audio - Visit the project page for more information!
Paper accepted to CVPR 2020 - Straight to the Point: Fast-forwarding Videos via Reinforcement Learning Using Textual Data - Visit the project page for more information!
Paper accepted to CVPR 2020 EPIC Workshop - A gaze driven fast-forward method for first-person videos - Visit the project page for more information!
Two papers accepted to WACV 2020:
Paper accepted to ICCV 2019 - GEOBIT: A Geodesic-Based Binary Descriptor Invariant to Non-Rigid Deformations for RGB-D images: Visit the project page for more information!
Paper accepted to WACV 2019 - Prototypicality effects in global semantic description of objects: Visit the project page for more information!
Paper accepted to CVPR 2018 - A Weighted Sparse Sampling and Smoothing Frame Transition Approach for Semantic Fast-Forward First-Person Videos: Visit the project page for more information!
Paper accepted to CVPR 2018 Sight and Sound Workshop - Fast forwarding Egocentric Videos by Listening and Watching:
Visit the project page for more information!
Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Feature representations for medical images and activity understanding - Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representationa (JVCI)
Publication chair of ICAR 2019, Program Co-chair of SIBGRAPI 2017
Member of the program committee for:
- Senior Program Member for AAAI 2022, CVPR 2022, WACV 2022
- ICCV 2021, AAAI 2021, WACV 2021, CVPR 2021, ICRA 2021, IROS 2021, SIBGRAPI 2021
- CVPR 2020, ECCV 2020, ACCV 2020, WACV 2020, AAAI 2020, IJCAI 2020, ICRA 2020, IROS 2020, ICPR 2020, SIBGRAPI 2020
- ICCV 2019, IJCAI 2019, Workshop on Applications of Egocentric Vision (EgoApp) at BMVC 2019, SIBRAPI 2019
- AAAI 2018, IROS 2018, SIBRAPI 2018
- IJCAI 2017, International Workshop of Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing at ICCV 2017.
- ICRA'14 and ICRA'15, IROS'14 and IROS'16, SIBGRAPI'16
Research areas
- Egocentric videos
- Multimodal learning
- Nonrigid descriptors
- Participating Media
- 3D Reconstruction and Modeling
- Image and Geometrical Descriptors
How to find me
- erickson [at] dcc [dot] ufmg [dot] br
- Room 6318, DCC - ICEx - UFMG
- Phone (+55 31) 3409-7597