
The publications I contributed to are listed below.



International conferences with reviewing committees

Article Loïc Cerf. Enforcement of Minimal Size and Area Constraints before and while Mining Patterns in Fuzzy Tensors. In SAC'23: Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, pages 369–376. ACM Press, March 2023. Acceptance rate (long papers): 16%.
Article Victor Henrique Silva Ribeiro and Loïc Cerf. Summarizing Fuzzy Tensors with Sub-Tensors. In SAC'23: Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, pages 362–364. ACM Press, March 2023. Associated poster. Acceptance rate (short and long papers): 24%.


International journal with reviewing committee

Article Bernardo Abreu, João Paulo Ataide Martins, and Loïc Cerf. Developing Biceps to Completely Compute in Subquadratic Time a New Generic Type of Bicluster in Dense and Sparse Matrices. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 36(4):1451–1497, July 2022.


International journal with reviewing committee

Article Lucas Maciel, Jônatas Alves, Vinı́cius Fernandes dos Santos, and Loïc Cerf. Climbing the Hill with ILP to Grow Patterns in Fuzzy Tensors. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 13(1):1036–1047, July 2020.


International journal with reviewing committee

Article Nicolas Nadisic, Aurélien Coussat, and Loïc Cerf. Mining Skypatterns in Fuzzy Tensors. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 33(5):1298–1322, September 2019.

International conference with reviewing committee

Article Lucas Maciel, Jônatas Alves, Vinı́cius Fernandes dos Santos, and Loïc Cerf. Bigfoot Climbing the Hill with ILP to Grow Patterns in Fuzzy Tensors. In EUSFLAT'19: Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, pages 602–609. Atlantis Press, September 2019.


International journal with reviewing committee

Article Edgar Ernesto Gonzalez Kozlova, Loïc Cerf, Francisco Santos Schneider, Benjamin Thomas Viart, Christophe NGuyen, Bethina Trevisol Steiner, Sabrina de Almeida Lima, Franck Molina, Clara Guerra Duarte, Liza Felicori, Carlos Chávez-Olórtegui, and Ricardo Andrez Machado-de-Ávila. Computational B-Cell Epitope Identification and Production of Neutralizing Murine Antibodies against Atroxlysin-I. Scientific Reports, 8:1–13, October 2018.

International conference with reviewing committee

Article Aurélien Coussat, Nicolas Nadisic, and Loïc Cerf. Mining High-Utility Patterns in Uncertain Tensors. In KES'18: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, pages 403–412. Elsevier, September 2018.


National conference with reviewing committee

Article João Vitor Tenório, Loïc Cerf, and João Paulo Ataide Martins. A New Approach for Sampling Descriptors in 4D-QSAR Methodology Using Computational Geometry. In SBQT'17: Atos do XIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Química Teórica. November 2017.


National conference with reviewing committee

Article Loïc Cerf. Padrões de Alta Utilidade em Relações n-árias Fuzzy. In KDMiLe'15: Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, Mining and Learning, pages 50–57. SBC, October 2015. Acceptance rate: 30%.


International conferences with reviewing committees

Article Gustavo Nascimento, Manoel Ribeiro, Loïc Cerf, Natália Cesário, Mehdi Kaytoue, Chedy Raïssi, Thiago Vasconcelos, and Wagner Meira Jr. Modeling and Analyzing the Video Game Live-Streaming Community. In LA-WEB'14: Proceedings of the Ninth Latin American Web Congress, pages 1–9. IEEE Computer Society, October 2014.
Article Gabriel Poesia and Loïc Cerf. A Lossless Data Reduction for Mining Constrained Patterns in n-ary Relations. In ECML/PKDD'14: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, Proceedings, pages 581–596. Springer, September 2014. Associated poster. Acceptance rate: 24%.
Article Loïc Cerf and Wagner Meira Jr. Complete Discovery of High-Quality Patterns in Large Numerical Tensors. In ICDE'14: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Data Engineering, pages 448–459. IEEE Computer Society, April 2014. Associated poster. Acceptance rate: 20%.
Article Renê R. Veloso, Loïc Cerf, Wagner Meira Jr., and Mohammed J. Zaki. Reachability Queries in Very Large Graphs: A Fast Refined Online Search Approach. In EDBT'14: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, pages 511–522. OpenProceedings, March 2014. Acceptance rate: 16%. EDBT 2024 Test of Time Award winner.


International journals with reviewing committees

Article Loïc Cerf, Dominique Gay, Nazha Selmaoui-Folcher, Bruno Crémilleux, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Parameter-free Classification in Multi-Class Imbalanced Data Sets. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 87:109–129, September 2013.
Article Israel Guerra, Loïc Cerf, João Foscarini, Michel Boaventura, and Wagner Meira Jr. Constraint-Based Search of Straddling Biclusters and Discriminative Patterns. Journal of Information and Data Management, 4(2):114–123, June 2013.
Article Loïc Cerf, Jérémy Besson, Kim-Ngan T. Nguyen, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Closed and Noise-Tolerant Patterns in n-ary Relations. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 26(3):574–619, May 2013.
Article Kim-Ngan T. Nguyen, Loïc Cerf, Marc Plantevit, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Discovering Descriptive Rules in Relational Dynamic Graphs. Intelligent Data Analysis, 17(1):49–69, February 2013.

International conference with reviewing committee

Article Loïc Cerf, João Foscarini, Israel Guerra, Michel Boaventura, and Wagner Meira Jr. Constraint-Based Search of Different Kinds of Discriminative Patterns. In FLAIRS'13: Proceedings of the 26th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, pages 414–419. AAAI Press, May 2013. Acceptance rate: 48%.


International conference with reviewing committee

Article Mehdi Kaytoue, Arlei Silva, Loïc Cerf, Wagner Meira Jr., and Chedy Raïssi. Watch me Playing, I am a Professional: a First Study on Video Game Live Streaming. In WWW'12: Proceedings of the 21st World Wide Web Conference (Companion Volume), pages 1180–1188. ACM Press, April 2012. Supplementary material. Acceptance rate: 55%.

National conference with reviewing committee

Article Israel Guerra, Loïc Cerf, João Foscarini, Michel Boaventura, and Wagner Meira Jr. Descoberta de n-Conjuntos Fechados Eficiente e Restrita a Grupos de Interesse. In SBBD'12: Proceedings of the 27th Brazilian Symposium on Databases. SBC, October 2012. Associated poster. Acceptance rate: 43%.


International journal with reviewing committee

Article Pedro H. Calais Guerra, Loïc Cerf, Thiago C. Porto, Adriano Veloso, Wagner Meira Jr., and Virgílio Almeida. Exploiting Temporal Locality to Determine User Bias in Microblogging Platforms. Journal of Information & Data Management, 2(3):273–288, October 2011.

International conferences with reviewing committees

Article Renê R. Veloso, Loïc Cerf, Chedy Raïssi, and Wagner Meira Jr. Distributed Skycube Computation with Anthill. In SBAC-PAD'11: Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High-Performance Computing, pages 33–40. IEEE Computer Society, October 2011. Acceptance rate: 34%.
Article Kim-Ngan T. Nguyen, Loïc Cerf, Marc Plantevit, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Multidimensional Association Rules in Boolean Tensors. In SDM'11: Proceedings of the 11th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, pages 570–581. SIAM, April 2011. Acceptance rate: 17%.


PhD thesis

Article Loïc Cerf. Constraint-Based Mining of Closed Patterns in Noisy n-ary Relations. PhD Thesis, INSA-Lyon, July 2010. Associated presentation. Among the five best theses submitted to the SIGKDD Doctoral Dissertation Award 2011.

International conference with reviewing committee

Article Kim-Ngan T. Nguyen, Loïc Cerf, Marc Plantevit, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Discovering Inter-Dimensional Rules in Dynamic Graphs. In DyNaK'10: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Dynamic Networks and Knowledge Discovery. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, September 2010. Acceptance rate: 39%.

National conferences with reviewing committees

Article Kim-Ngan T. Nguyen, Loïc Cerf, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Sémantiques et Calculs de Règles Descriptives dans une Relation n-aire. In BDA'10 : Actes des 26èmes Journées Bases de Données Avancées. October 2010.
Article Dominique Gay, Loïc Cerf, Nazha Selmaoui-Folcher, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Un nouveau cadre de travail pour la classification associative dans les données aux classes disproportionnées. In SFC'10 : Actes des 17èmes Rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification, pages 47–50. Presse Académiques, June 2010.

Book chapter

Article Loïc Cerf, Tran Bao Nhan Nguyen, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Inductive Databases and Queries: Constraint-Based Data Mining, chapter Mining Constrained Cross-Graph Cliques in Dynamic Networks, pages 199–228. Springer, November 2010.


International journal with reviewing committee

Article Loïc Cerf, Jérémy Besson, Céline Robardet, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Closed Patterns Meet n-ary Relations. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 3(1):1–36, March 2009.

International conferences with reviewing committees

Article Loïc Cerf, Pierre-Nicolas Mougel, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Agglomerating Local Patterns Hierarchically with Alpha. In CIKM'09: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, pages 1753–1756. ACM Press, November 2009. Associated poster. Acceptance rate: 35%.
Article Loïc Cerf, Tran Bao Nhan Nguyen, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Discovering Relevant Cross-Graph Cliques in Dynamic Networks. In ISMIS'09: Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, pages 513–522. Springer, September 2009.

National conference with reviewing committee

Article Loïc Cerf, Jérémy Besson, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Extraction de motifs fermés dans des relations n-aires bruitées. In EGC'09 : Actes des neuvièmes Journées Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, pages 163–168. Cépaduès-Éditions, January 2009. Acceptance rate: 38%.


International conferences with reviewing committees

Article Jérémy Besson, Loïc Cerf, Rémi Thévenoux, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Tackling closed pattern relevancy in n-ary relations. In MMD'08: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Mining Multidimensional Data, pages 2–16. September 2008. Acceptance rate: 38%.
Article Loïc Cerf, Dominique Gay, Nazha Selmaoui, and Jean-François Boulicaut. A Parameter-Free Associative Classification Method. In DaWaK'08: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, pages 293–304. Springer, September 2008. Acceptance rate: 33%.
Article Loïc Cerf, Jérémy Besson, Céline Robardet, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Data-Peeler: Constraint-Based Closed Pattern Mining in n-ary Relations. In SDM'08: Proceedings of the Eighth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, pages 37–48. SIAM, April 2008. Acceptance rate: 14%.


Article Loïc Cerf, Jérémy Besson, Céline Robardet, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Constrained-Based Closed Pattern Mining in n-ary Relations, April 2008. SML'08: Spring Workshop on Mining and Learning 2008.

General audience

ArticleLoïc Cerf. Mining logs (part 1). March 2008. This article first appeared on the Blue GNU website.
ArticleLoïc Cerf. Mining logs (part 2). March 2008. This article first appeared on the Blue GNU website.


International conference with reviewing committee

Article Yolanda Sanchez-Dehesa, Loïc Cerf, Jose Maria Pena, Jean-François Boulicaut, and Guillaume Beslon. Artificial Regulatory Networks Evolution. In MLSB'07: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Machine Learning for Systems Biology, pages 47–52. October 2007.


Article Loïc Cerf, Jérémy Besson, Céline Robardet, and Jean-François Boulicaut. Extraction d'hyper-rectangles fermés sous contraintes, July 2007. BDI'07 : Atelier Bases de Données Inductives.
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