Profa. Mirella M. Moro, UFMG

profa. Mirella

Mirella M. Moro has PhD, Master and Bachelor in Computer Science. She was a member of the ACM Education Council and the Education Director of SBC (Brazilian Computer Society, 2009-2015), where she is currently a Council Member and part of the SBC Meninas Digitais (Digital Girls) Steering Committee. Her research interests include data-driven research, social analysis, gender diversity, and education in Computer Science. She is also an advocate for increasing women participation in Computer Science.


Seminários Computação e Cultura 2022/2
Apresentações recentes: aqui.
Sugestões de livros e filmes.

CFP / Chamadas

I keep an updated list of call for papers here

Eu mantenho uma lista de chamadas de trabalho aqui .

Papers + Open Data

My research group has been working hard on making our datasets available. Check some of them at Zenodo.

  • MGD - Success-based Music Genre Dataset
    Detecting Collaboration Profiles in Success-based Music Genre Networks :   PDF | PPT+VIDEO | VIRTUAL POSTER |  ZENODO
  • CoMusic-  ​​Musical collaborative networks - 
    Causality analysis between collaboration profiles and musical success : PDF | PPT | ZENODO 
  • MusicOSet - An Enhanced Open Dataset for Music Data Mining
  • PPORTAL - Public Domain Portuguese-language Literature Dataset : ZENODO 
  • GREED - GitHub Repositories and Descriptions: ZENODO 
  • GitSED - GitHub Socially Enhanced Dataset: ZENODO