Ronaldo e Silva Vieira

PhD candidate at UFMG


I’m a member of the Multidisciplinary Research Lab. on Games (J Lab) and of the Vision and Robotics Lab. (VeRLab).

My research interests include artificial intelligence in games and multiagent systems. I’m currently working on game-playing AI agents for collectible card games and real-time strategy games.

I like soccer (as any Ronaldo would) and sports in general, digital and tabletop games (especially RPGs), memes, not taking myself too seriously, and being with empathetic, open-minded people.

You can reach me at ronaldo.vieira [at] dcc [dot] ufmg [dot] br.

Past endeavors:
  • Visiting PhD student at U of A , 2023
  • MSc in Computer Science at UFMG , 2020
  • Visiting BSc student at UBC , 2015
  • BSc in Computer Science at UFRRJ , 2017